Senin, 20 Juli 2015


Everyone needs money, with money people can buy food, clothes, drink, cars, house,
and everything we want. But, have you ever thought of small amount of money can make big
difference? In my opinion, with small amount of money that we have can result big difference,
especially for poor people, disaster victims, and elderly people.
First, with small amount of money, we can helping poor people by build a charity
together. Then, you can give food for them in order to make them healthy and we can give
clothes for them in order to make more clothes to wear. With small amount of money, we
can make big difference for poor people, they can be healthy, and they can make better life
for them.
Second, with small amount of money, we can donate it to disaster victims by build
shelter near location of disaster. So, they will have a temporary place to take a rest and for
the children, we can give education by give them books and teach them, they will get more
The last but not least, with small amount of money that we have, we can help elderly
people. We can give a little job such as gardening, sewing clothes, painting, making
handcrafts, and other little jobs. So, with small amount of money, we can make elderly people
get better life and enjoy their remainder of the life.
It’s  hard to know who will affected more by this activity, the people we help or
ourselves. We will learn how easy to give a help to others. The reward that we will receive is
feeling happy to share each other. In conclusion, with small amount of money that we have,
we can make big difference by build a charity for poor people, build a shelter for disaster
victims, and give little jobs for elderly people.

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